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Passion & Profit: Can You Have Both?

RTT hypnotherapist, Dragana, sure thinks so - and she’s living proof! She shares her insights, tools and mindsets needed to turn your dream job into a day job you love.  It’s not easy - but it’s not impossible! Discover why we lose sight of our passions, how to uncover them, and how to reframe fear - so that you too can make a massive change in your life! 

Written by: Dragana Spica

I was in the office, feeling down as I was counting my remaining holidays for that year.

I was grateful for an amazing career in investment banking in London. It was kind of like the "you made it" label I was carrying. But the truth was, all those years, I would’ve rather been anywhere else than in that office. And one day it hit me - do I want to live like this until I am 60? My life would come down to 25 days of holiday joy out of 365 days in a year. I was horrified by that thought.

And in that moment I made a decision that I was going to find a be free! At that very moment I opened up my mind to a possibility.

And my mind delivered.

Big time!

As it always does. Without exception.

Today I’m a hypnotherapist, helping people all over the world have a successful career they’re passionate about, and dream relationships. If someone wakes me up in the middle of the night asking me to do a hypnotherapy session, I would respond with excitement "I'll be right with you, let me just put my contact lenses in".

And this is because I have found my passion and turned it into a job. And if I could do it, so can you!



What if you don’t know what your passion is?

When you say "I don’t know what my passion is", what you are actually saying is

"I don’t know what makes me feel excited".

And that’s impossible!

As a baby you came to this world knowing exactly what excites you and what doesn’t.

For example, my 3 year old nephew is passionate about cars. He can recognise and name any car he sees passing by. He insisted on learning them. On the other hand, my husband's 4 year old nephew is obsessed with the animal kingdom. He’s not passionate about cars at all.

You came to this world knowing exactly what excites you.

The question is, how come this changed now that you are an adult?

While growing up, you and your brain were programmed by the adults around you to follow what I call a "should-do list". And you have learned to prioritise this over your passion.

Let me explain this by using an analogy of you being like a house.Imagine you are a house with 5 levels in total.

There is a basement, 3 floors and a top level. In a basement there is a transmission device, sending feelings signals all the way to the top level, which is your thinking brain.

These signals tell you what you are passionate about and they are passing through the 3 floors before reaching the top level. Now imagine these 3 floors in the middle are filled with weird transmission devices, containing "should-do" lists. And these are disturbing the signal from the basement and sending their own stronger signal to your thinking brain.

So now, the strongest signal you are receiving is the “should-do” signal. And your passion signal is so weak that it seems to not exist anymore.



Therefore, it’s not true that you don’t know what your passion is.

But rather, your “passion signal” can’t get through to you.

This is due to those layers of disturbing "should-do" and "must-do" messages that have been installed by your surroundings.Your job is to dig deeper inside of you and reconnect with your passion signal you were born with.

This literally means reconnecting with your feelings, rather than following a checklist created by someone else.

Feeling fear doesn’t mean you’re incapable!

Embarking on a new journey of following your passion might feel scary. Feeling scared doesn’t mean you aren’t capable. It simply means you’re a human. You feel fear because your brain is trying to keep you safe by keeping you away from the unknown. The unknown is interpreted by your brain as ‘not safe’. And the known is seen as safe.

Therefore, don’t blame yourself for feeling fear. Instead, understand that it’s a normal reaction to change.

For example, as an entrepreneur you need to be comfortable feeling uncomfortable.

What this means is, understand that feeling discomfort is part of the game. Then keep building yourself up, upgrading yourself and evolving so you are more resilient and confident in those unknown situations. Build yourself up so much that whenever you feel fear, your immediate reaction is faith. Reconnect with faith in yourself, your capabilities and your coping skills.

Building yourself up requires a deep inner work.

In order for your passion to develop and expand into your job, you first need to expand, internally.



The best way to start would be deep guided meditation or hypnosis that focuses on confidence, self-belief and feeling worthy. Incorporate these into your morning routine.

And remember, your brain learns by repetition.

So even with 5 minutes a day, when doing it consistently you will notice powerful changes happening within you.  

How to succeed in turning your passion into a job

On a daily basis, your brain can either bring you closer or move you further away from this goal. Your brain responds to direct orders it is receiving from you.

This is done through deeply rooted beliefs (that you adopted in your childhood), thoughts you’re thinking on a daily basis, and words you’re saying.

Think of your brain as a powerful computer. Your subconscious beliefs are like codes programmed into that computer. And your brain operates in line with those codes automatically every day.

For example, during childhood your parents might’vebeen insisting on the fact that a government job is the safest job. And just like that you have adopted a subconscious belief that any other job is not safe. So naturally, your brain will keep working in the background, bringing you closer to what you believe is safe.

And your brain will do anything to move you away from what you believe isn’t safe.

The good news is that you can change your beliefs in your subconscious mind. 

This requires understanding, challenging and replacing the old limiting beliefs with new ones.

If you’re not sure what your beliefs are, look at your life, it will always be a reflection of your beliefs.In addition to your beliefs, what you’re thinking and saying every day, your brain takes literally and has no choice but to make it your reality.Reshape what you believe, think and say, having in mind that these are orders to your brain.

Your brain will focus on achieving your goals like the most powerful missile, if you keep giving your brain the right instructions.

Finally, notice how you are feeling about turning your passion into a job.

For example, when you say that making money by following your passion is possible, notice how you are feeling while saying it. Do you feel it’s true or do you feel like you are telling yourself a lie? If it’s the latter, understand where that feeling or disbelief is coming from and change it.

This is important, because how you feel about it is like an engine that can push you closer or further away from your passion.


I heard this quote on a podcast a few days ago :

"Your calling is calling you. You just need to pick up".

 What’s preventing you from "picking up" might be a fear of the unknown, or limiting beliefs such as not believing you can do it or not believing it’s possible. You might think changing these fears and beliefs is too challenging. And living without following your passion is easy? Of course not! But which "challenging" will you choose?

You’re more powerful than you think. You can absolutely do it.

Your passion is calling you, are you going to pick up? 

I would love to hear from you with any questions you might have. Please contact me on or via Instagram @draganaspicatherapy. Let’s connect!


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